Thursday, November 13, 2008

They grow up so fast....

Before we left for church tonight, I took a couple of pictures of the boys. They are getting so big, so fast!! Here are my big boys, looking sharp for church.


East Coast-er Momma said...

Thanks for your comment of encouragement! I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog...I always have TOO much to say..hahah. At least someone enjoys my thought other than myself(that's always nice). But, yes, I have pondered the potential problem of Cylas feeling left out or even not as important. And I am worried that I won't "have enough time for him". I just love spending creative time with my Cy. I expressed to my husband that I want to do everything I can to make him feel like an integral part of his little sister's life. So many new challenges and just when I was getting the hang of being a mommy at all....sheesh

Heather said...

I can't get over how much Dylan looks like his uncle Scott!

Jennifer said...

Cheri, your boys are so adorable, I love your pics they are really cute!

Angela said...

Dylan is so cute, he is looking so much like you and your family!