Monday, May 25, 2009

Maddox's Birthday party pics...finally!

Well, I'm just now getting pics from Maddox's birthday party posted. Better late than never! :) We had a great time even though we were rained out and everyone had to come inside.
Opening gifts, thanks everybody - so sweet!

Maddox has this thing for shoes...he loves them. So he was very excited about his new flip flops and would not let me take them off!

This is how he fell asleep for his nap. He was exhausted! Notice the flip flops...wouldn't let me take them off so I put him down for his nap with them on!

Wooden playground set that Papaw & Mamaw bought the boys! We will be staying outside the whole summer! They LOVE it and we appreciate it very, very much!

1 comment:

Heather said...

How cool, I lvoe the play set! Wow, it looks like you and the boys will have some fun playing on the swings and the slide. Aren't grandparents great! I am glad you all had a good time. Maddox is a cutie pie!