Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas, a New Year, and unexpected snow!

Yes, it has been a while since I posted last! First, we had a wonderful Christmas and I hope that you all did also...the boys had such a great time opening gifts. Russell and I had a great time sitting back watching them open the gifts! Here is a picture on Christmas day of my two cool dudes in front of the tree. :)

Dylan cheesin' for the camera...

Maddox sporting his new Diego gear. He dressed himself, I bet you would have never guessed...haha!

Then we welcomed a New Year and then unexpected snow! Maddox didn't get to enjoy it due to being sick, but Dylan went out for a little while until he couldn't take the cold anymore...

So until next time, hope your enjoying the New Year!

1 comment:

Heather said...

It looks like you guys got more than just a dusting! I love all the pics. My favorite is Maddox with his big boy undies. That's gotta be in the baby book for sure! Take care and thanks for being such a great friend!