Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Weekend "Down on the Farm", Easter Egg Hunt #2 & #3 & lots of family fun!

The boys, me and Cheryl decided to make the 8-9 hour drive up to Kentucky to visit. This is my husband's family and where he grew up. He wasn't able to join us due to work. We had a busy, but fun, weekend. We enjoyed a birthday party, two Easter egg hunts and just good family time. The boys love Papaw & Mamaw's house - lots of land to run around and play on, cows, dog, cool sheds & buildings - a boy's dream!! :) And of course, they love spending time with cousins - Chelsea, Megan, Marisa & Jared!

Here are some pictures of the boys enjoying the weekend.

Maddox & Papaw hanging out watching the cows through the fence.
Dylan was shaking "paws" with Hercules (Papaw's hunting dog).
Maddox was a big helper - feeding cows.
Dylan & Maddox watching Papaw feeding the cows.

Maddox riding a cow (haha!)

Easter baskets from Papaw & Mamaw.


JanaFloyd said...

Oh my goodness how ADORABLE! Makes me want to visit the farm..

Heather said...

Oh Cheri, great pictures. I love the one of Maddox helping put out the cow fee. He's Paw-paws twin..precious! I am glad you guys enjoyed yourselves. Isn't family time awesome! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Christi said...

I love the farm!!! The boys look so sweet out there learning how to be little men!! Sweet, sweet, sweet!!