Monday, February 9, 2009

Brotherly Love

Every night after the boys have their bath, they both eat a snack and drink their milk. They get all snuggly in their pj's and it is a really fun time here at our house. Russell and I love this time with the boys right before they go to bed. Tonight, they got all cuddled up together in the chair with Daddy. Mommy just had to get a few pictures of them actually loving on each other and sitting together without pounding on each other! :)

Dylan wanted to hold Maddox in his arms and he told me to get Maddox's diapie because he was tired! too cute!

Then they got silly - Dylan was tickling Maddox and they were both laughing!

Back to sleepy stage! Dylan was so happy to get to hold his little brother! You can see Maddox was just chillin' out and happy to have his thumb!


Angela said...

How sweet. They are so cute!

Heather said...

Yes, bedtime is fun. You guys have the same routine as we do. Bath, snack and bed. Tires kids are funny to listen too. They seem to have an extra silliness about them.

Jennifer said...

So sweet!

Christi said...

Aww, they even match! Sweet boys:)