Sunday, February 8, 2009

A "Royal" Couple!

I have to tell you, being married to Russell Robinson for almost 10 years now, has been a very exciting adventure! Basically it is like being married to a grown kid. He LOVES kids, along with my love for kids, I think were a perfect match! We are the Ch.I.P.Z. Leaders at Atlanta West Pentecostal Church. This is ages 4-9. We have such a great time and consider this a privilege and an honor to lead such an important age group. But I have to tell you, it gets us in some interesting situations. Like last night, we were a King & Queen for the American Heritage Girls annual father/daughter banquet. This year the theme was Princess Ball. So we were asked to be the King & Queen for the ball. We had a GREAT time meeting all of the little princess' all dressed up and so excited to be out on a date with their daddies. The gym was decorated so beautiful and it was a very special night for a lot of little girls (and older girls as well)! And doesn't every girl (including me) love a chance to get all dressed up?


Angela said...

You guys looked very cute! Marissa had a great time last night with her daddy. I am sure it was a blast!

Heather said...

Adorable! Now that'a a memory that will last a lifetime...congratulations!