Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day Tea Party

Who says you can't have tea parties with your little boys? Dylan's preschool had a Mother's Day Tea Party and we had so much fun! Dylan was so excited, his teacher said he couldn't wait until I got there for the tea party. The mothers were already sitting at the tables when they brought the kids in and he got the biggest smile on his face when he saw me and Mawmaw sitting at his table. They sang a couple of songs to us then brought their mommies their plate with cake, strawberries and animal crackers. Dylan would not eat, of course, but he thought it was awesome drinking out of the tea cup! Here is a few pics of the special day!

This picture is a little blurry but I had to share it because of how cute Dylan was drinking out of his tea cup. He got the biggest kick out it! So cute!

Dylan and his best friend, Malena, sipping tea! :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Now that's awesome! I love the tea cup idea. I am glad that he was eager to participate. it wasn't so with some of the little boys in Roxy's class with "Muffins with Moms"!